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Open Source. 6 item. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Open Source. Mindfulness and Discourses in Kapilavastu by B. Stooms and A. Stooms In this. Buddhist Encyclopedia. Zen Teachings: The First and Second Zen Patriarchs. Five Works of Nagarjuna. Ritual As The Zen of Eating. Zen and Japanese Neo-Confucianism. Buddhist Sutra Collected by Huineng. Two Zen Classics by Daoxin. Commentary on the "Meaning of the Great Vow," by Hui-neng. Chan Buddhism. Its History, Doctrines, Order, Teachers and Practices. Brief History of Chinese Buddhism. Buddhist Philosophy. History of Chinese Buddhism. An Introduction to the Teachings and Practices of the Zen School. Textual Sources of Zen Buddhism. Three Kinds of Zen Schools. The Third Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, in The Works of Chogl Ten (1052). The Real Zen: Contemplation in Chinese Buddhism. An Introduction to Zen Teaching in Chinese Thought and Literature. Zen Master Kusan and His Self-Examination. Bodhidharma's Four Questions. Zen Master Keizan on the Stanzas of the Gate of Zen. Dialogues of Zen Masters. The Heart Sutra. The Diamond Sutra. The Samdhinirmocana Sutra. Madhyamaka. Advaita Vedanta. Pali Buddhism. Jainism. Hinduism. Pure Land Buddhism. Mindfulness Meditation: The Contemplative Practice of Freedom and Compassion. This paper will analyze the findings of a survey of Chinese villagers conducted by the author to determine the extent of their appreciation for the concepts of "right knowledge" and "openness" and their beliefs regarding the sources of knowledge and the underlying philosophical and religious assumptions. I'll then discuss the implications of these findings for a modern interpretation of Chinese philosophy, with a special focus on the Chuang Tzu's account of "mindfulness" (zhong-ch'eng) as an exemplar of right knowledge (shih-hsiang) and openness (shih-yen), and the influence of the later Hui-neng's Zen and Daoist concepts of "direct perception" (su-ts'un). Finally, I'll discuss the implications of this analysis for modern interpretations of Buddhism, in particular the claim that there was a period of "Renaissance




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